Sunday, September 9, 2012

Pilot Hi-Tec-C 0.25mm Light Blue

So I decided to try out other sizes of the Hi-Tec-C series, besides the 0.4mm.
This one, the 0.25mm pen, is the thinnest version on the Hi-Tec-C series (so far).
First of all, when trying out this pen, I noticed it feels different from the well known 0.4mm pen. It is a bit "scratchy", and not as comfortable to write with. Also, for some reason, the pen that I got, Light Blue, looks like it is a totally different shade when I place it next to the 0.4mm Light Blue. a much lighter color.

In conclusion, It is a bit of a disappointment, I don't think I'll be using this version of the Hi-Tec-C pens much.

This is actually the same shade of blue, Light Blue.

Mechanical Pencil: 0.3mm vs 0.5mm vs 0.7mm

This time I decided to post a comparison that I was looking for and couldn't find, between different sizes of mechanical pencil's lead.
I usually use the 0.5mm, which is the standard pencil around here. After trying out the  0.7mm, it seems to feel too "fat" for me to write with. The 0.3mm though, was a nice surprise. It is very accurate and comfortable to write with - although it is visibly lighter than the 0.5mm lead.

Left to right: 0.3mm,0.5mm and 0.7mm.

This one had strong lighting, so the colors seem a bit light.